Willing Wisdom Index – Submit & Request Personalised Report

x 99% complete

You can review or update your answers before submitting, simply navigate using the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons to review or revise your answers as needed.

Please confirm your answers as they cannot be updated once you click on submit.

NOTE: To ensure your personalized report arrives in your INBOX, add report@willingwisdom.com to your Contacts List. You may also want check your SPAM folder

    Note: Once you click on submit, you may not change your survey responses.
    Currently your custom Willing Wisdom Index™ Report will only be sent to the email address ([email_address]) you entered at the start of the survey.
    If you would like your advisor to be sent a copy of your report check on the box beside their email below.

    You may also have a copy of your report sent to up to three additional contacts simply by entering their email addresses in the fields below. Consider having the report sent to your partner, family members or executor. If you leave the fields blank the report will only be sent to the email address entered at the beginning.

    Yes. Send this report to my advisor ((advisor-email-address))
    If the box above is NOT checked, the advisor whom supplied the access code will only receive notification that the code has been used. The advisor will not receive your report if the box is NOT checked.

    Enter the email addresses of up to 3 additional people whom you would like to receive your customized report.

    Please check this box to confirm that you consent to have your personalized Willing Wisdom Index™ report sent to email addresses entered above.
    Please check this box to confirm you are satisfied with the answers you have provided. You will not be able to revise your answers once you have clicked on the SUBMIT button below.
    Add report@willingwisdom.com to your contacts list and check SPAM or JUNK folder for report email

    Click on the SUBMIT button below to submit your responses for processing. Your customized report will be sent to the email address entered when you entered your ACCESS code and to the additional email addresses (if any) entered above). You will normally receive your report within a few minutes but it may take up to one day.
