Transfert agricole – Outil d’aide à la planification testamentaire et successoraleMC – Questionnaire Page 5

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    41. Will the gift you intend to leave to at least one of your beneficiaries likely double their net worth?

    42. Do you have the same financial advisor or accounting firm as at least one of your intended beneficiaries?

    43. Have you made living gifts of cash to anyone you intend to list as a beneficiary in your will?

    44. Do you intend to divide your estate equally among all your beneficiaries?

    45. Do you intend to leave different assets of equal value to each of your beneficiaries? For example, your house to one beneficiary and cash of equal value to another?

    46. Are you concerned about the spending habits of at least one of your intended beneficiaries?

    47. If your intended beneficiaries are married, are you concerned about the spending habits of at least one of your beneficiaries’ partners?

    48. Have you discussed technical estate planning options with your financial advisor, accountant or lawyer to protect your assets from marital breakdown of an intended beneficiary, even if your intended beneficiary is not yet married?

    49. Do you have any concerns about drug, alcohol or gambling addiction with any of your intended beneficiaries who are related by blood or marriage?

    50. Do you have a named beneficiary with a permanent disability who will require ongoing financial support after your death?
